Providing Chinese sourced high specification metallic and plastic components and assemblies to both large & SME western customers
We begin the process by gaining an understanding of your sourcing motivation and requirements. This will include: a review of your reasons for switching supplier or the basis of your make/buy decision, understanding your NPI plans, and development of your IP protection strategy.

The next step is to obtain drawings against which our suppliers can quote. We will translate any drawings into Chinese and, where necessary, agree alternative Chinese specifications with you.
Our engineers will work with you to make sure that your exact specifications and required processes are understood and critical manufacturing requirements are highlighted right from the start. We aim to get the job done right first time.

Once we have the right technical requirements, we will approach our supplier base for prices. We use a competitive approach to select suppliers and will receive a number of quotes from our portfolio of trusted suppliers. We also have the advantage of negotiating with Chinese suppliers in their own language, avoiding the trap of higher prices for western customers.

Once we are happy with supplier selection and tooling is in place, if applicable, we will purchase samples for your review. At this stage our quality assurance people will work closely with the supplier and your engineering and technical departments. We are very responsive, with commercial and engineering teams based both in the UK and China.
Once you are happy to proceed, we will enter first batch production. We are happy to take a split in your original order requirements so that you can reduce perceived risk and gain confidence before moving away completely from your existing supplier. Our prices are stable, and we do not see big fluctuation in prices during the initial and ongoing procurement process.

Our chosen supplier in China will begin manufacturing your components and parts under our vigilant supervision. We uphold strict quality control throughout the process to ensure that the manufactured parts you receive are of the highest quality. If qualifications tests are required, then we are happy to discuss undertaking these in China to save time and risk.

Our sales order processing team will work with your buyers to establish routine shipment of parts that match your demand whilst minimising inventory costs. We will provide regular order status reports and regularly communicate the status of your order with you. We also manage the logistics and shipping processes to ensure that your goods arrive on time.

Once your manufactured parts have arrived and you are happy with the order, We do everything in our power to ensure your outsourced manufacturing and parts are delivered to a high standard and within your deadline and budget.